⚠️This version of Waffles Design System is no longer maintained, and was deprecated at the end of 2022. It's main repository is archived. Please migrate your app to the New Waffles.
Buttons is the fundamental component which allow users to process actions or navigate an experience.
Waffles exposes several button and button-related utility components:
- Button – Able to have an icon on the left or right.
- ButtonGroup – Enables you to layout several buttons of the same size with consistent spacing.
- CompactButtonGroup – Enables you to concatenate multiple buttons into one. It can also be nested inside a ButtonGroup.
- FacebookButton, GoogleButton, LinkedinButton, TwitterButton - Custom buttons with the correct colours for the various social media platforms.
- CloseButton – Used internally in other waffles components. Please contact the team directly if you are considering using in your own components.
- UserAccountMenu - The menu displays user avatar and various account management options on a dropdown. Additionally, custom menu items could be added by passing
s aschildren
Button type can be used to alter how interactions are handled. ButtonGroup
and CompactButtonGroup
aggregate multiple buttons as long as they have the same size.
Name | Value | Default | Description |
ariaLabel | string | Set the aria-label on the rendered element. This is required when using a single icon as a child. | |
children | custom | string | custom | Required | The content of the button. This can either be text, and icon, or a combination of the two. When this is one of the components exposed by @datacamp/waffles-icons, the button will render as a square. In this situation ariaLabel is required. |
href | string | The destination of the link. Only available when type="link". | |
onClick | function | The callback fired when the button is clicked. Only available when type="button". | |
target | string | Specifies where to open the linked document. Only available when type="link". | |
type | 'button' | 'link' | 'submit' | 'button' | Determines what is rendered, and what other props are available. The type "submit" should be used for form submissions. The type "link" will render an <a> tag, and should be used with an 'href'. And the type "button" should be used with the 'onClick' prop. |
appearance | 'default' | 'primary' | 'inverted' | 'default' | When the appearance is "primary", the button will have a filled colour. When the appearance is "inverted", the text colour will be white for use on dark backgrounds. |
className | string | Sets the css class of the rendered element. Can be used to apply custom styles. | |
dataAttributes | object | As with all the other waffles components, dataAttributes can be used to set data- html attributes on the element. | |
disabled | boolean | false | The button can be disabled by passing "disabled" as a prop. |
intent | 'neutral' | 'danger' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'b2b' | 'neutral' | Defines the color of the button. The cta intent can be used only with the primary appearance. |
loading | boolean | false | By passing "loading" as a prop, the button will be disabled and it will render a spinner. |
size | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'medium' | The size of the button to render. |
tooltipAppearance | 'light' | 'dark' | 'dark' | When tooltipText is provided, this sets the colour of the tooltip. It should be used make the tooltip visible on different colour backgrounds. |
tooltipPosition | 'bottom' | 'top' | 'left' | 'right' | 'bottomRight' | 'bottomLeft' | 'topLeft' | 'topRight' | 'bottom' | When tooltipText is provided, this determines the position of that text. "top", "bottom", "left", and "right" will position the tooltip at the centre of that side. The other styles can be used to prevent the tooltip from overflowing when it is longer than the button. |
tooltipText | string | An additional description to show on hover or focus. | |
ref | any | — |
Name | Value | Default | Description |
children | arrayOf(union) | Required | The content of the ButtonGroup to render. This must be a set of Button and/or CompactButtonGroup components. All Buttons within a ButtonGroup must be the same size. |
className | string | Sets the css class of the rendered element. Can be used to apply custom styles. |
Name | Value | Default | Description |
children | arrayOf(union) | Required | The content of the CompactButtonGroup to render. This must be a set of Button components. All Buttons within a CompactButtonGroup must have the same appearance, intent, size & disabled state. |
className | string | Sets the css class of the rendered element. Can be used to apply custom styles. |
Name | Value | Default | Description |
children | ReactReactNode | Additional menu items. It's advised to use predefined UserAccountMenu.MenuItem. New menu items are placed just above Log Out item. | |
dropdownOffset | number | Adjust vertical position of the dropdown. To move dropdown up provide negative value. | |
mainAppUrl | string | Required | Root URL of all user account management links. |
menuAccountSettingsTrackId | string | Optional track ID of Account Settings menu item. | |
menuLogOutTrackId | string | Optional track ID of Log Out menu item. | |
menuMyProfileTrackId | string | Optional track ID of My Profile menu item. | |
menuTriggerTrackId | string | Optional track ID of menu trigger (button opening dropdown). | |
showAlertDot | boolean | Display little notifications dot. | |
userAvatarUrl | string | URL to user profile picture. If not provided default avatar will be displayed. | |
userSlug | string | Slug required to correctly redirect user to his profile page. If not provided My Profile menu item will be hidden. | |
userTotalXp | number | Show total XP gained by the user. If not provided whole XP bar won't be displayed. |
Recommended component to use as a UserAccountMenu
's child. Besides an optional showAlertDot
and the required icon
from @datacamp/waffles-icons
it accepts all the same props the regular HTML anchor element would take.
You can import following components or utilities from this module:
import Button, {ButtonGroup,CloseButton,CompactButtonGroup,FacebookButton,GoogleButton,LinkedinButton,TwitterButton,UserAccountMenu,} from '@datacamp/waffles-button';