Various specialized text components, from regular paragraphs to headlings and links.
Waffles exposes following text components:
- GlobalFontFaces – A global component that loads the font faces used by the other components. If the waffles scss is not being used, this component should be mounted on the page.
- Text – The base text component that can be used as a building block for everthing else.
- Paragraph – Renders a block of text.
- Heading – Renders various sized headings.
- Strong – Renders bold text.
- Emphasis – Renders italic text.
- Small – Renders text at a size smaller than the default.
- Code – Renders inline code.
- CodeBlock – Renders a preformatted block of code.
- Link – Renders an anchor component.
- Badge – Renders a coloured badge.
- List – Renders either an ordered or unordered list.
Live example content
This is a paragraph containing some Text, Strong, Emphasis, Link, Code and Small children. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a enim quis nisi sollicitudin tincidunt in nec leo. Quisque mattis pretium nulla, id malesuada nisi viverra consectetur. Donec auctor dapibus nisl sit amet tempor. Integer nec diam sit amet sem
sollicitudin consectetur. Vestibulum velit turpis, egestas eget massa non, consectetur volutpat quam. Sed eu mi eget sem euismod iaculis. Aenean a ante mattis orci dapibus pulvinar. Quisque convallis arcu eu neque tincidunt condimentum.
- badge First Item
- Badge Second Item
Some extra content with a long name that needs to wrap
gapminder %>%
filter(year == 2007) %>%
Some additional copyright info.Examples
Basic paragraph
Just a basic text.
Simple link
Inline code
Waffles exposes various text custom elements. For example you can import Paragraph
from @datacamp/waffles-text
Large badge
Ordered list of items
- apples
- oranges
- bananas
Name | Value | Default | Description |
children | custom | arrayOf | Required | The content to display. Can contain a combination of strings, Small components, and Strong Components. |
className | string | Sets the css class of the rendered element. Can be used to apply custom styles. | |
dataAttributes | object | As with all the other waffles components, dataAttributes can be used to set data- html attributes on the element. |
Name | Value | Default | Description |
as | 'h1' | 'h2' | 'h3' | 'h4' | 'h5' | 'h6' | Required | The html element to render. |
children | ReactNode | Required | The content of the Heading. This should be a string, but it can also contain Strong components. |
className | string | Sets the css class of the rendered element. Can be used to apply custom styles. | |
dataAttributes | object | As with all the other waffles components, dataAttributes can be used to set data- html attributes on the element. | |
multiLine | boolean | false | When true, the Heading will wrap text. By default the text will be truncated. |
size | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 650 | 700 | 800 | 900 | Required | The size of the Heading to render. |
Name | Value | Default | Description |
children | ReactNode | Required | The content to display. Can contain a combination of strings, Text components, Strong components, Small components, Emphasis components, and Code components. |
className | string | Sets the css class of the rendered element. Can be used to apply custom styles. | |
dataAttributes | object | As with all the other waffles components, dataAttributes can be used to set data- html attributes on the element. |
Name | Value | Default | Description |
children | string | Required | The content of the Link. |
className | string | Sets the css class of the rendered element. Can be used to apply custom styles. | |
dataAttributes | object | As with all the other waffles components, dataAttributes can be used to set data- html attributes on the element. | |
href | string | The url to navigate to, when the user clicks. | |
onClick | ReactMouseEventHandler | Callback fired on click, can be used with client side navigation, but shouldn't be used in place of a button. | |
onMouseEnter | ReactMouseEventHandler | Callback fired when the mouse enters the element | |
ref | HTMLAnchorElement | — |
Name | Value | Default | Description |
children | custom | arrayOf | Required | The content to display. Can contain a combination of strings, Text components, and Emphasis Components. |
className | string | Sets the css class of the rendered element. Can be used to apply custom styles. | |
dataAttributes | object | As with all the other waffles components, dataAttributes can be used to set data- html attributes on the element. |
Name | Value | Default | Description |
children | custom | arrayOf | Required | The content to display. Can contain a combination of strings, Text components, and Strong Components. |
className | string | Sets the css class of the rendered element. Can be used to apply custom styles. | |
dataAttributes | object | As with all the other waffles components, dataAttributes can be used to set data- html attributes on the element. |
Name | Value | Default | Description |
children | custom | arrayOf | Required | The content to display. Can contain a combination of strings, Strong components, and Emphasis Components. |
className | string | Sets the css class of the rendered element. Can be used to apply custom styles. | |
dataAttributes | object | As with all the other waffles components, dataAttributes can be used to set data- html attributes on the element. |
Name | Value | Default | Description |
children | string | Required | The code to display. |
className | string | Sets the css class of the rendered element. Can be used to apply custom styles. | |
dataAttributes | object | As with all the other waffles components, dataAttributes can be used to set data- html attributes on the element. |
Name | Value | Default | Description |
children | string | Required | The code to display. |
className | string | Sets the css class of the rendered element. Can be used to apply custom styles. | |
dataAttributes | object | As with all the other waffles components, dataAttributes can be used to set data- html attributes on the element. |
Name | Value | Default | Description |
children | string | Required | The content to render in the Badge |
className | string | Additionaly css className to add to the rendered element | |
color | string | Required | The colour of the Badge. This can be any HEX color, but it is recommended to use a color from @datacamp/waffles-tokens. The text color will be set automatically. |
size | 'small' | 'large' | 'small' | The size of the Badge to render. |
Name | Value | Default | Description |
children | ReactNode | Required | The content to display. Should only be List.Item components |
className | string | Sets the css class of the rendered element. Can be used to apply custom styles. | |
dataAttributes | object | As with all the other waffles components, dataAttributes can be used to set data- html attributes on the element. | |
ordered | boolean | Blah Blah Blah docs |
Name | Value | Default | Description |
children | ReactNode | Required | — |
className | string | — |
You can import following components or utilities from this module:
import {Badge,Code,CodeBlock,Emphasis,GlobalFontFaces,Heading,Link,List,Paragraph,Small,Strong,Text,alternateComponents,} from '@datacamp/waffles-text';