⚠️This version of Waffles Design System is no longer maintained, and was deprecated at the end of 2022. It's main repository is archived. Please migrate your app to the New Waffles.



The heart of our brand.

Our full, standard logo includes both the logomark (DC) and the wordmark (DataCamp). Unless you specifically need a square logo format, please use one of the four regular logos below.


DataCamp Logo - Regular

This is the preferred logo to use on a light background. When in doubt, this is usually the best logo to use.

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Regular Monochrome

DataCamp Logo - Regular Monochrome

If the green logomark (DC) doesn't contrast enough with the background or if you have been given specs that specifically call for a black logo, use the Regular Monochrome logo on a light background. This logo should only be used when absolutely necessary.

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Regular Inverted

DataCamp Logo - Regular Inverted

This is the preferred logo to use on a dark background.

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Regular Inverted Monochrome

DataCamp Logo - Regular Inverted Monochrome

If the green logomark (DC) doesn't contrast enough with the background or if you have been given specs that specifically call for a white logo, use the Regular Monochrome Inverted logo on a dark background. This logo should only be used when absolutely necessary.

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DataCamp Logo - undefined

Use our logomark (DC) in square formats. Use cases may include an avatar or social media profile images.

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All DataCamp sites and applications should use the logomark (DC) as a favicon. The necessary collection of files and the code which should be placed in the HTML head element can be downloaded below.

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